UIW Students Recognized by the Lone Star EMMY Educational Foundation


Students Bring 首页 Six Awards

圣安东尼奥 – 2023年11月17日 – “I felt ecstatic when I found out I was awarded a Student Production Award from the Lone Star EMMY Educational Foundation. It is something I have been thinking about ever since I started in the UIW Communications Arts Department.”

马库斯·麦奎尔That’s the reaction 马库斯·麦奎尔 had after learning he and his team received the Lone Star EMMY Chapter Student Production Award in the Short Film-Fiction category at this year’s 2023 awards. 娜塔莉·洛佩兹 is also an award recipient as part of the team that worked on the UIWtv magazine show “Cardstock.” Natalie worked on a piece that featured the Hungry Chameleon Pizzeria, a local family-owned restaurant on 圣安东尼奥’s northeast side.

“I had a great time working on ‘Cardstock,’ says Lopez. “I got the chance to learn about and dive deep into the history of a local business staple. It was really sweet getting to know and interview the business owners. We wanted to share their story and I think we were successful in doing so by using ‘Cardstock’ to promote that. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my classmates and their assistance since, 最后, 这是一个团队的努力.”

They were among the six awards received by University of the Incarnate Word students, including:

  • 最佳新闻广播- uitv
  • Best Serious News – Joy Burgin
  • Best Light News – Katya Harmel
  • Short Film Fiction – “Rope” – 马库斯·麦奎尔, John David Gamez, Dan Mcniel, Mathew Falletich
  • 最佳PSA -弗兰克弗洛雷斯
  • Best College Magazine Program – CardStock

“These prestigious awards are a reflection of the passion and dedication students consistently put into their work here at the university,特蕾莎·科罗纳多说, Communication Arts instructor and advisor. “It’s an honor to be able to guide and mentor the students in their academic journey. Awards from the Lone Star EMMY Educational Foundation have really helped our students land jobs upon graduation. We are so proud of our recent graduates: Joy Burgin, Abigail Velez and Zoe Del Rosario, all past winners who are all now working in TV news.”

The Lone Star EMMY Educational Foundation is part of the National Academy of Television Arts & 科学. 根据其网站, the presentation of the student production awards is intended to be an incentive for the continued pursuit of excellence by those studying media and journalism and to focus public attention on outstanding cultural, 教育, 技术, 娱乐, news and informational achievements by undergraduate College and/or High School Students.

“毕业后, I plan on entering into the marketing field and use the skills I learned there,麦奎尔说. “If I have the time, I might try to break into the film and TV industry. Hopefully one day I can direct a major film or TV show.”

娜塔莉·洛佩兹 “毕业后, I want to continue working as an intern in the fields of filmmaking, public relations and digital content creation and management,洛佩兹总结道。. “Before jumping into a career of my own, I want to get more practice and experience because I feel like there is still so much more to learn and so much to improve on. I advise anyone who is unsure what they want to create or achieve to just go do it without a second thought because you will never regret the opportunity to do so.”

To view some of the award-winning work of these students, follow this link:

UIWtv Newscast: YouTube Channel